Ya feeling it yet?

Looks like Twitter is feeling the effects of their ridiculous removal of our president’s Twitter account. I guess a $5 Billion dollar loss in market value isn’t much to them, but it can’t feel all that good. Here is to hoping it gets worse for them and all other liberal touting platforms.

Communism at its finest

Freedom of speech has taken a back seat recently as social media giants Facebook, And Twitter continuously censor views that don’t align with the liberal agenda. Our rights are being infringed on daily, while the majority of the country stand by and do nothing! Here are some of the latest blows to our first amendment.

Apple and Google play have removed the popular conservative app Parler from their App Store. News that the app’s host Amazon, will be closing their account to try and shut the service down.

conservatives who think freely and do not conform to the liberal agenda are being treated as terrorists. For example.. The president of the United States was banned from social media this week…OUR PRESIDENT!
when did such disrespect start being shown to our commander in chief?

To further silence our President, it has been reported that Apple will submit an update to disable the emergency broadcast system on all apple devices.

This country has lost its damn mind. There is a storm brewing, and it’s a scary one. But it is one that has been in the works for a few years now.
there is nothing United about these states any longer, for it has turned left vs right.