Rights? What rights?

It seems that to everyone else in the country, the right to get the jab or not has been restored. However, the healthcare workers who have been on the front lines since the very first covid infection have continued to be kicked down. Being forced to get the jab or lose their livelihood.

How is this right? These people have been the ones taking care of you, your mother, your children, your grandparents etc. Doing their job, doing what they love. Only to be told that if they don’t get the death jab, they can no longer do what they love.

Though the rest of you are protected under your rights, since Blow Biden has withdrawn his mandate to enforce his “vaccine”, healthcare workers do not have the same rights. Even thought 90% of them have natural immunity since they have been exposed to the virus since day one.

The threat is that if companies don’t force this vaccine on their employees, Medicare and Medicaid money will be withheld from them. Since most healthcare facilities rely on this as it is 90% of it’s revenue, this would be a massive hit for them.

When there aren’t enough healthcare workers remaining to take care of this country, I guess we will see who has the last laugh.