King Blunder has better things to do than pay respects to the soldiers he got killed.

As another show of how little Joe Blunder Biden cares about the lives of our American soldiers, dumbass was about as subtle as a brick as he checked his watch during the transfer of bodies at Dover Air Force base.
this America destroying cancer couldn’t just stupidly get our soldiers and allies killed, he has to show disrespect to them as well. Apparently he had something more important to do, like go back on vacation, or do something else completely idiotic in order to bend our country over to take it in the tail pipe.

Joe Biden is by far THE WORST “PRESIDENT” EVER!!

What more does this twat have to do to prove he is destroying America from the inside?

President Joe “The Gaffe” Biden with his new look

I’m not exactly sure what else this idiot can do to prove that he is a cancer, which is eating away at our country from the inside out.
libs were so scared of the mean orange man with the Twitter account, that they foolishly ran to the voting polls .. er… mailbox , and voted this ridiculously sorry excuse for a president into office, with his donkey show of a Vice President. They are tearing America apart. Communistic tendencies and dangerous stupidity will hand this country to his ally’s, China and the taliban.
will people please wake the hell up?!?! Stick this dumb ass in a nursing home somewhere so that he can’t get our country into any more trouble.

Leave it to the libs to try and kill our kids.

New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman wants to force Covid-19 vaccines on the school kids.

It is being reported that the Democratic Numbskull introduced a bill Tuesday that would require children to get vaccinated in order to go to school, since the shots have received “full FDA approval”. If passed, it would add coronavirus jabs to the list of immunizations required for attending school or daycare.

These people need to stop! This is starting to feel like overpopulation control. First they released the virus, which unfortunately for them, only killed 1% of the people who were infected. Then they released the “vaccine” (I use that word loosely) to finish the job. 13,000+ dead from the jab since December. ..

Coinsidence? Me thinks not!

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is on Pfizer’s board of directors. Has been since 5/2019. So it makes me wonder if Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine” getting “full approval” from the FDA 2 years prior to the completion of clinical trials is a coinsidence or proof that it’s just about “who you know”.