Welcome to dictated America


I just want to say FUCK JOE BIDEN and his “executive order”.

this idiot just mandated that all healthcare workers, schools and federal employees/contractors be “vaccinated”.

This is about OUR freedom of choice, OUR rights that have just been ignored and bypassed.

Where are the lawyers and protests? This is, after all still the land of the free, right? We are one step closer to dictatorship.

If the government cares so much about our health.. where is the executive order for universal healthcare?

This absolute mental defect of a “president” just signed a death warrant for millions of jobs. Not to mention, the unemployment rate is going to sky rocket as companies have trouble finding qualified personnel to do these vacated jobs.
I believe I’ve said this before, but I’ve got to say it again.. Joe Biden IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!

Coinsidence? Me thinks not!

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is on Pfizer’s board of directors. Has been since 5/2019. So it makes me wonder if Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine” getting “full approval” from the FDA 2 years prior to the completion of clinical trials is a coinsidence or proof that it’s just about “who you know”.

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Health Care Workers as a Condition for Medicare and Medicaid Participation

In case you’re not paying attention, our rights are being infringed upon!
I get that many people are super scared of the COVID-19 virus and the new “Delta variant”. But we as Americans should have a right to choose what goes into our bodies.
If I want to take my chances and maybe be part of the 1% who dies from COVID-19, that is MY CHOICE! if you’re so scared, you put the chemicals in your body. That should protect you from my unvaccinated self. I get it, for some, COVID-19 is a pretty serious virus, I’ve had friends and family who have caught it. Even been hospitalized from it.. But it’s no different than a flu or bad cold, both of which can kill the elderly and folks with underlying conditions.

Now, there are folks who work in healthcare that feel that they also have a right to reject the government’s vaccination… after all, they were born free, right here in the good old United States of America. A fact that our democratic buddies in Washington don’t care to remember.

What they’re now trying to do is force healthcare facilities to force their employees to vaccinate, otherwise, these facilities and hospitals will no longer receive Medicare and Medicaid payments. The bread and butter of any medical facility. Seeing as a majority of the population over the age of 65 rely on Medicare and or Medicaid to pay their medical bills, this will certainly destroy facilities who don’t get in line.

The government is doing everything in their power to force this vaccination. They’ve even going as far as to offer Americans $100 to be injected with their “cure”. This is dictatorship at its finest. Adolf Biden and his band of merry ne’er do-well henchmen will stop at nothing to rule Americans and take away our right to vote, choose and live free.

Does anyone else feel that there is an ulterior motive?
It makes absolutely no sense! If their vaccine is so awesome.. why does it matter if some folks don’t get it? The ones who got it are covered in the glory of the government’s bountiful blessings.

The bottom line is .. This is wrong on so many levels. It affects the care that patients will be able to get, it affects the jobs of many Americans who work hard and haven’t done anything wrong, other than reject the idea that this government is all knowing and infallible.

THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Maybe We need something to protect us from our government.. like a constitution.